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System Applications

Relay switch in a DC-DC power supply for automation equipment and IoT devices can be a suitable solution, depending on the specific requirements and characteristics of the devices involved.In many cases, using a relay switch in a DC-DC power supply for automation equipment and IoT devices is a viable and reliable solution. However, it's essential to consider the specific needs and application, including factors like power efficiency, switching speed, and environmental conditions. The relay switch power supply as per industry standard +5VDC, +12VDC, +24VDC for input and output interfaces.

The relays act as a ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) is a device that monitors the main power supply. When the ATS detects a disruption or failure in the main power supply, it automatically switches the load to the battery. The system equipped with temperature sensor and buzzer, If the temperature exceeds a predefined threshold, the system may disconnect the main power supply to prevent overheating and potential damage to components.

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Dual relay DC-DC system along with two output cables and a charger. This type of system is often used in applications where you need to manage power sources, switch between different voltages, or facilitate charging.

Output-1 = 12VDC.
Output-2 = 24VDC.
Charging Voltage - 14.5VDC @ 1.5Amps.
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The dual power supply system that can be powered either by a battery or directly from MPPT solar control, and second source from AC Supply. Creating a system that can switch between two different power sources. This type of system is common in applications where flexibility and redundancy are crucial, Here's a basic outline of how such a system might be designed:


1) Dual Power Sources.

2) Power Source Selection.

3) Battery Charging.

4) MPPT Solar Control  Interface.

5) Voltage Regulation.

6) Switching Logic.

7) Safety Features.

8) Energy Efficiency.

9) User Interface.

10) Load Integration.

11) Fault Tolerance.

12) Temperature Sensor.

Future Trends

  • Emerging technologies in PLC isolated power systems

  • Predictions for the future development of this technology

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